Since 2016, the Early Childhood Leadership Institute (ECLI), which is housed within the Center for Access, Success, and Equity (CASE) at Rowan University College of Education, has worked with various professionals to build capacity in New Jersey’s early childhood education workforce. With funding from and in partnership with New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development, ECLI has continued to provide supports to meet the professional development needs of early childhood leaders working within New Jersey’s Quality Rating and Improvement System and other quality initiatives, as well as CCR&R Subsidy staff. Most recently, ECLI has worked with DFD to create the HEART of Leadership Series for center-based directors and is launching the New Jersey Early Childhood Apprenticeship Pilot Program, a program focused on expanding the number of child care staff with the Infant/Toddler Child Development Associate (CDA) certification and increasing the capacity of the infant and toddler workforce across New Jersey. This successful partnership with DFD has allowed the institute to expand its scope to include additional partners such as NJ Department of Education, NJ Department of Children and Families, The Nicholson Foundation, and the Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation, working with leaders and programs in the region in evaluation, coaching and training. The institute is led by co-directors Dr. Kelley Perkins and Dr. Zeynep Isik-Ercan.
ECLI participants have options along their career pathways. Participants can complete activities expected as part of their professional development role responsibilities, where applicable, they can choose to engage in additional opportunities that support individual goals, interests and promotes advanced leadership skills, or apply training hours with ECLI as credit hours towards Rowan’s Certificate of Graduate Studies (COGS) in Early Childhood Coaching and Technical Assistance and earn recognition as a Certified Early Childhood Coach and Technical Assistance through a digital badge.