Technical Assistance Self-Reflection Tool

Explanation of Tool: This document is the result of a collaboration between New Jersey’s Regional Technical Assistance Center Directors, Program Managers and Senior TAS, with support from the Early Childhood Leadership Institute (ECLI), to create a tool for guiding best practices in providing technical assistance to early childhood programs throughout the state.

Purpose of Tool: In 2016, the Technical Assistance Specialist Standards for NJ Early Childhood Professionals was created as a means for informing and promoting the quality of technical assistance (TA) to early childhood and afterschool programs throughout New Jersey. In an effort to build upon this work, TA Center Directors, Program Managers and Senior TAS, along with support from ECLI, began exploring the question: What is effective TA? This led to a tool that attempts to capture specific practices and strategies related to the original TAS Standards for the purpose of promoting effective TA, facilitating the implementation of goal setting and continuous quality improvement (CQI) for TA Staff and encouraging consistency in technical assistance provided across regions.

Download the Technical Assistance Self-Reflection Tool