F. A. Q
What is the tuition? For general information about tuition and fees, please see Rowan Global website https://rowanu.com/programs/early-childhood-coaching-and-technical-assistance-certificate-of-graduate-study. Courses may be discounted from the regular Rowan tuition and fees as part of the New Jersey Teacher Outreach Program (NJTOP).
Is there an option to take it without college credit being attached to it (I already have a Master’s degree.)? As this is a credit bearing program, credits will be assigned as part of the certificate program. Tuition will not be changed.
Is there an option to take a course without matriculating into the certificate program? Yes, Rowan Global offers students who have earned a bachelors degree to register for up to 9 credits (depending on the program) within a graduate program before applying to the program. Students must still meet any and all pre-requisites or restrictions for the course(s) in the program.
Will there be any scholarships to do the program? Rowan has no scholarship available specific to this program, however, students can go through Rowan to seek financial aid opportunities that are typically available with any graduate study. There might be student work opportunities within College of Education and Early Childhood Leadership Institute.
If I complete this certificate program, is there a master’s program currently in place that these courses will roll into if I wish to complete a degree? Currently, there is no Master’s degree available that this program is tied to.
Does this certificate program lead to early childhood education licensure? This program does not lead to licensure. ASPIRE to Teach provides information on Rowan’s Certificate of Eligibility (CE) Educator Preparation Program which leads to provisional licensure in Elementary Education in New Jersey. Currently, Rowan does not offer a licensure program in early childhood.
If I participated in the Orientation and follow up training with Rowan with my organization (total of 39 hours) do I receive credit for any of the coursework within this program? You will not have to complete ECED23251 and therefore would take the 4 remaining courses.
How long is the duration of the program? The program is designed to allow flexibility in completion, with students having the option to double up and take two courses per semester, therefore completing the program in a total of three semesters or choose to enroll in one course per semester until all courses are complete or five semesters.
Who can take credit for attending ECLI’s training? If you have completed ECLI’s orientation (24 hours) and completed an additional 15 hours of training with ECLI, bringing you a total of 39 hours of training with the Institute, you would be eligible to have the first course waived for you. If you are in the process of completing these and would like to apply for the current open enrollment, please email cortesj@rowan.edu and we will contact you for a possibility of conditional admission.
Where can I found out more information and apply online: you can find more information about the program by visiting the program’s page on Rowan Global Learning: https://global.rowan.edu/programs/early-childhood-coaching-and-technical-assistance-certificate-of-graduate-study.html