TAS/DHS TAS, QRC, STAS: PD Events Calendar
ECLI Supervisor Orientation Series for QM & S TAS: Day 1 ends
5 Hours |completed through TalentLMS
ECLI Supervisor Orientation Series for QM & S TAS: Day 2 opens
5 Hours | completed through TalentLMS
ECLI Knowledge and Skill-Building Orientation Series: Day 2
For FES, ITS, LT, QIS, and TAS: Day 2: 5 Hours | in-person at LRC-Central, Trenton, NJ
ECLI Knowledge and Skill-Building Orientation Series: Module 1 Begins
5.5 hours, completed through TalentLMS Open until Feb. 25
Core Concepts Sessions: Professional Resilience
Susan Lewis, M.Ed. 2 Hour | February 11, 2025 10am-12pm | virtual How to bolster your emotional intelligence (EI) for when times get tough. In this 2-hour workshop, we will explore the aspects of emotional intelligence that professionals can tap into to help strengthen awareness of both
Cross-Role Community of Learners (DEI)
This Community will provide an opportunity to have discussions around the topics of diversity, equity and inclusion with Ebonyse Mead, Ed.D. as the facilitator. In these Community of Learners (CoL) meetings, a bit of content may be shared by the facilitator, when appropriate, to ignite robust conversation, reflection, and leverage
Supervision Core Concept Session: Deeper Topic: Leading and Engaging Your Multigenerational Team
Kaitlin Bunoza, MS 2 Hour | virtual How can we replace tension and misunderstanding with embracing this new kind of diversity of generational differences amongst our teams? Research shows that each generation in the workplace desires the same fundamentals (purpose, meaning, growth, role models) yet expresses their
Mentoring Session
Christine Fulton, MS & Nicole Hylton, MS 2 hour | virtual
ECLI Knowledge and Skill-Building Orientation Series: Module 1 Ends
Module opened Feb. 4 Completed through TalentLMS, 5.5 hours
Leadership in Action – Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
Nicole Hylton, MS | 2 Hour | virtual This session will continue the focus on DEIB work and give you and your colleagues the opportunity to share what you have learned and created both inside and outside of ECLI, such as participation in coaching, attending Communities of
FY25 ECLI Cross-Role Community of Practice (FCC)
In addition to these wonderful learning communities, we are excited to continue offering an additional CoP focusing on Family Child Care that will be open to TAS and ITS who support FCC providers and their unique context. Within this CoP, you will have an opportunity to discuss topics, successes, challenges, and strategies
ECLI Knowledge and Skill-Building Orientation Series: Module 2 Begins
Open until March 25, 2025 5.5 hours, completed thought TalentLMS
Supervisor Core Concepts Session: Current Topic: Psychological Safety in the Workplace
Paula Hartley, BS 2 Hour |virtual In this virtual session, participants will learn what psychological safety is, understand the positive impact of having a climate of psychological safety and the negative impact of a workplace lacking in psychological safety. Embedded within the session are opportunities for participants
Core Concepts Sessions: Current Topic: Shifting the Paradigm: Becoming a Trust & Inspire Leader
Nicole Hylton, MS 2 Hour | March 18, 2025 10:00 am-12:00 pm | virtual A Trust & Inspire style of leadership is needed to foster growth, passion, commitment, and innovation in the workplace. This session will explore the fundamental beliefs and responsibilities of this type of leader
Mentoring Session
Christine Fulton, MS & Nicole Hylton, MS 2 hour | virtual
ECLI Knowledge and Skill-Building Orientation Series: Module 2 Ends
Module 2: March 4-25 5.5 hours Completed through TalentLMS
Supervision Core Concept Session: Leadership in Action – Spring
QM and STAS Colleagues 1 Hour | virtual | This session provides an opportunity for colleagues to share what they are learning and creating as they engage in PD activities both inside and outside of ECLI, such as from participation in coaching, attending Communities of Practice, conferences,
Spring Reflective Session: Senior TAS
1 hour | virtual
Back 2 Basics (Spring): Facilitating Groups: Leveraging the Power of Social Learning
Nicole Hylton, MS | 4 Hour | in-person at LRC-Central, Trenton, NJ Supporting directors, staff, and providers through groups is a powerful strategy to increase their learning around best practice and quality improvement. This session explores the principles and skills needed for effective facilitation of groups, the
Back 2 Basics (Spring): Setting Boundaries: The True Self-Care
Christine Fulton, MS |4 Hour | in-person at LRC-Central, Trenton, NJ Have you ever said to yourself, “there are not enough hours in a day?” In the busy TA roles there are many competing priorities that must be navigated on a daily basis. When clear boundaries are
Spring Reflective Session: TAS N/NE
1 hour | virtual
FY25 ECLI Cross-Role Community of Practice (multi-topic)
This Community will provide the opportunity to discuss a variety of topics chosen by participants. It will run as a CoP, which are not trainings and no content will be provided.
Cross-Role Community of Learners (DEI)
This Community will provide an opportunity to have discussions around the topics of diversity, equity and inclusion with Ebonyse Mead, Ed.D. as the facilitator. In these Community of Learners (CoL) meetings, a bit of content may be shared by the facilitator, when appropriate, to ignite robust conversation, reflection, and leverage
FY25 ECLI Cross-Role Community of Practice (FCC)
In addition to these wonderful learning communities, we are excited to continue offering an additional CoP focusing on Family Child Care that will be open to TAS and ITS who support FCC providers and their unique context. Within this CoP, you will have an opportunity to discuss topics, successes, challenges, and strategies