TAS/DHS TAS, QRC, STAS: PD Events Calendar
Core Concepts Sessions: Current Topic – Principles as the Foundation for Teacher-Child Relationships
Terri Swim, PhD 2 Hour | February 6, 2024 10:00 am-12:00 pm | virtual | Registration ends 1/23/24 | Click here to register. In what ways do principles such as autonomy, authenticity, and belonging show up in your life? How do you imagine them impacting your work
QM & STAS Core Concepts Sessions: Current Topic: Effective Strategies for Managing Conflict
Current Topic: Effective Strategies for Managing Conflict Lani Nelson-Zlupko, PhD, LCSW 2 Hour | February 16, 2024 12-2pm | virtual | Registration ends 2/2/24 The supervisor role is unique in that it requires the balancing of managing administrative tasks and processes with being a coach and leader
DEI Session 3: Exploring Power and Advocacy in Early Childhood Systems
Exploring Power and Advocacy in Early Childhood Systems Ebonyse Mead, PhD During this session, participants will learn about addressing DEIB in early childhood systems. Specifically, content related to power and advocacy will be introduced to help participants develop a greater understanding in envisioning a transformed early childhood
Leadership in Action – Spring
ITS, QIS, TAS Colleagues 2 Hour | February 26, 2024 10-12pm | virtual | Registration ends 2/12/24 This session provides an opportunity for colleagues to share what they are learning and creating as they engage in PD activities both inside and outside of ECLI, such as from
DEI Session 4: Exploring Power and Advocacy in Early Childhood Systems
Exploring Power and Advocacy in Early Childhood Systems Ebonyse Mead, PhD During this session, participants will learn about addressing DEIB in early childhood systems. Specifically, content related to power and advocacy will be introduced to help participants develop a greater understanding in envisioning a transformed early childhood
QM & STAS Core Concepts Sessions: Deeper Topic 2.0: Shifting the Paradigm Part 2: Becoming a Trust & Inspire Leader
Jen Cortes, MS While we know that leading from a trust and Inspire paradigm is needed for bringing out the best in ourselves, our teams & organizations, and others we support, how do we actually do this within our day-to-day work? In this deeper dive of Shifting
Core Concepts Sessions: Deeper Topic 2.0: Thinking Out Loud Together: Creating Leaders in the ECE Field – spring
Kate Bunoza, MS 2 Hour | March 12, 2024 10am-12pm | virtual | Registration ends 2/27/24 “Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.”-Sheryl Sandberg. How does great leadership really make people better? Ownership
QM & STAS Leadership in Action – Spring
This session provides an opportunity for colleagues to share what they are learning and creating as they engage in PD activities both inside and outside of ECLI, such as from participation in coaching, attending Communities of Practice, conferences, or reading publications that enhance the work; as well
Reflective Session – Spring: STAS
Reflective sessions provide opportunities for participants to meet with their colleagues to process and reflect upon content learned within training for embedding within their practice. Collaborating together and leveraging one another’s strengths and previous experiences promotes successful implementation of effective practices and empowers staff in their professional
Core Concepts: Back 2 Basics – Spring
4 Hour | April 18, 2024 10-3pm | in-person at LRC-Central, Trenton, NJ | Registration ends 4/4/24 Navigating and Supporting Change Nicole Hylton, MS Most of us have heard the quote from the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, “change is the only constant in life”. If this is true,
Reflective Session – Spring: TAS N/NE
Reflective sessions provide opportunities for participants to meet with their colleagues to process and reflect upon content learned within training for embedding within their practice. Collaborating together and leveraging one another’s strengths and previous experiences promotes successful implementation of effective practices and empowers staff in their professional
Reflective Session – Spring: TAS C/S
Reflective sessions provide opportunities for participants to meet with their colleagues to process and reflect upon content learned within training for embedding within their practice. Collaborating together and leveraging one another’s strengths and previous experiences promotes successful implementation of effective practices and empowers staff in their professional
FY25 ECLI Cross-Role Community of Practice (multi-topic)
This Community will provide the opportunity to discuss a variety of topics chosen by participants. It will run as a CoP, which are not trainings and no content will be provided.
Cross-Role Community of Learners (DEI)
This Community will provide an opportunity to have discussions around the topics of diversity, equity and inclusion with Ebonyse Mead, Ed.D. as the facilitator. In these Community of Learners (CoL) meetings, a bit of content may be shared by the facilitator, when appropriate, to ignite robust conversation, reflection, and leverage passion
Special Virtual Workshop | Leadership in Action: Take-a-ways from ECLI’s Recent Fellows
ECLI is proud to announce another cohort of COGS Fellows completing their Fellowship and earning the COGS certificate and a digital badge as a Certified Early Childhood Coach & Technical Assistant, during the 2023-2024 academic year! Throughout the year the Fellows had access to an ECLI mentor